Skin Texture
Several factors can contribute to dead skin buildup, including excessive sun exposure, environmental toxins, hormones, dehydrated skin, and lack of exfoliation.

Skin Texture
Several factors can contribute to dead skin buildup, including excessive sun exposure, environmental toxins, hormones, dehydrated skin, and lack of exfoliation.
Additionally, reduced collagen production as a result of the skin’s natural ageing process can contribute to uneven skin texture. These factors can cause rough/bumpy skin and even lead to thickened skin with coarse wrinkles or thinner skin with fine lines.
Symptoms of Skin Texture.
Skin that appears raised or uneven in certain areas is often referred to as textured skin. Although it can appear anywhere on the body, it is more noticeable on the face, where it may feel rough and dry to the touch. Enlarged pores, acne or acne scarring often cause textured skin.

Our Approach.
If texture is a concern for you, we have many treatments available to treat your concerns.
Our M22 ResurFX is the only true fractional non-ablative laser which targets damaged skin with microscopic laser columns that penetrate deep into the skin, Dramatically improving texture, acne scarring, stretch marks, fine lines and enlarged pores. We are more than just a Laser clinic; we specialise in full-face treatments and aim for long-term holistic satisfaction of our clients rather than short-term results. Book your complimentary consultation with one of our registered doctors or nurses today.
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